Proofreading and Editing

We facilitate professional editing, proofreading, and consultation on publication in Impact Factor Journals. We continually strive to provide you with the highest quality editing services at the most competitive pricing. Providing you with simple and competitive pricing along with the highest quality in the marketplace is a crucial element of our mission. Our expert editorial team has been trusted with hundreds of thousands of documents from around the world.

We make sure your paper is judged on merit and not rejected because of spelling and grammar errors.

United Frontiers Publisher has been helping academics and researchers get published in journals of all sizes and disciplines.

Many of our editors are published academics themselves, and they specialize in many different topics—from social science and humanities to engineering and medical sciences.

Our highly-rated editing and proofreading services help you with everything from manuscript preparation to submission and publication with confidence.

Specialized Subject-area Matching

Every manuscript submitted to us is matched to editors with highly specialized subject-area expertise. For example, a paper on Tourism will be edited by an editor with a Ph.D. in the Tourism field, not by a specialist in Physical Sciences. This technical competency enables us to optimize the content as well as the language and pay due attention to even the most subtle intricacies.

Our Promise

We guarantee that a manuscript edited by us will never be rejected based on poor language. On a rare occasion, if rejection occurs, we will take full responsibility of re-editing the paper for resubmission at no additional cost. Our stringent systems and processes, professional editors, and in-house quality management system help us deliver this promise to our authors.

Our Language Editing Service

  • Editing into proper scientific American or British English by native speakers
  • Checking your paper for plagiarism to ensure that your work adheres to high standards
  • Capability to handle large documents (up to 50,000 words)
  • Great quality at an affordable price: Quotes are inclusive of high discounts to support you even more

For further information please contact us via WhatsApp number: ‪ +44 741 333 5774 (scan the following QRCode to contact us via WhatsApp)